Little Home Church by the Wayside
The Little Home Church by the Wayside is an active church with a vibrant ministry. The work of the church is sustained by the efforts of its members, who work together in Christian fellowship. Our vision statement says that we are “sharing our home as Christ's disciples.”
Our mission statement calls us to be of a: Nurturing body, mind, and spirit in the community of God.
This church certainly has what the world needs—but how do we give that away? How can we further Christ’s mission right here on Earth? How can we work to meet the needs of our own members? And, perhaps most importantly...How can you help us to achieve our vision and mission?
Indeed, there are countless opportunities to become involved with programs, projects, and service. Your participation will only strengthen the sense of community and mission of the Little Home Church. We need each and every member to be involved, whether on an ongoing or “as needed” basis. In fact, much of our most needed work is done through well-defined (perhaps even one-time) projects with fixed time commitments.
All are welcome! All help is gratefully accepted!
As much as we do, there is always opportunity to do new things and expand our ministry in exciting and different ways. Always feel free to suggest new things. Many of our most significant programs began with the passion and enthusiasm of a single member—those who saw a need and had a talent to share. Don’t be shy!
The opportunities to serve are limited only by your imagination!

Moderator —Julie Graham
Moderator Elect — Kit DeWitt
Christian Education — Emma Kaska
Congregational Life Ministry — Mira Reid
Evangelism Ministry — Rose Mayer
Facilities Ministry — Brian Martisauski
Outreach Ministry — Mary Fleischmann & Andrea Redmond
Stewardship Ministry — Peter Connolly
Worship & Spiritual Growth Ministry — Greg Abell
Members-at-Large —Jen Haseltine & Ann McLaughlin
Clerk — Kristen Thornton (non-voting)
Financial Treasurer — Chip Braulick (non-voting)
Financial Secretary — Ann McLaughlin (non-voting)
Pastor — Pastor Larry Dieffenbach
Pastor Emeritus — Rev. Ronald Purser
Pastor— Pastor Larry Dieffenbach
Pastor Emeritus — Rev. Ronald Purser
Office Manager — Lori Prang
Director of Music — Grace Bardsley
Organist/Pianist — Nick Metzger
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OFFICE HOURS — 9 am to 3 pm, Monday through Thursday
Our Church Council is the central governing body of the church and it represents the congregation through 11 voting members.
The role of the at-large members is to represent the congregation, bringing a viewpoint to the Council that does not speak from a particular ministry’s point of view. At-large members specifically receive ideas and concerns from the congregation and present these at Council meetings.
Editors — Lori Prang and Kathleen Sullivan Kaska
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Graphic Design — Kathleen Sullivan Kaska